As the landscape of home security evolves, embracing IP-enabled systems becomes essential for modern households. These advanced solutions not only allow users to monitor their property remotely but also enhance security management through real-time alerts. For those planning to be away, it’s crucial to consider strategies for home safety, such as those outlined in our holiday hot list. Additionally, to understand how to secure your premises effectively, explore how Matrix Security protects New Zealand homes and businesses. Investing in the latest technologies not only safeguards your property but also provides peace of mind for you and your family.

While land-line alarm monitoring is a proven and cost-effective way of monitoring your alarm system, it’s becoming increasingly common for homes and businesses to no longer have a traditional phone line, and instead, simply have an internet connection for both voice calls and data.

Anyone with an IP enabled alarm can access their security system from anywhere, check the status of their home and arm/disarm different zones of their home or business. You can also use these systems to view when your children come home from school, when trades people, cleaners or staff enter and leave the home.

The way forward to future proof your home – is to invest in the latest security technologies and service that will take you and your family into a more seamless future. With prompt attendance to call outs, averaging well under ten minutes Matrix Security have the reputation of having the fastest* response time (*particularly in Green Reflector Service areas of central Auckland).

For FREE ADVICE and a security audit of your home contact customer services (09) 579 1567 for independent advice on whether an IP-enabled security solution is right for you.

Don’t become a statistic

A good security system is intended to detect a burglary or other emergency, but will not necessarily prevent one. An effective system is only as good as its users and should be installed along with good physical security reinforcement, and structural protection from deadbolt locks, adequate lighting, secure windows and strong exterior doors.

Here are some simple, easy ways to better operate your home safely:

  • Keep doors locked even when you or family members are at home.
  • Have window locks installed on all windows – especially on the ground floor.
  • Have locks installed on your fuse boxes and external power sources.
  • Keep at least one fire extinguisher on each floor, and be sure to keep one in the kitchen. Show family members how to use them.
  • Keep flashlights in several areas in the house. Check the batteries often, especially if you have children in your home
  • Know your neighbors. Develop a rapport with them and offer to keep an eye on each other’s homes, especially when you’re away.
  • Establish safe family living patterns and ensure everyone is familiar with the procedure.
  • Don’t hide keys outside, whether in the garden or in a flower pot. Burglars know where to find “secret” hiding places. Its much better to leave a key with a trusted neighbour.
  • Keep blinds or curtains closed at night because people can see in and you can’t see out.
  • Always lock up ladders and tools. Don’t give a burglar the resources to break into your home.
  • When moving to a new home, hire a reliable locksmith to re-key all exterior doors. If possible, have the locksmith make the key to fit all locks.
  • Maintain regular 6 or 12 month alarm servicing
  • When buying a new home, check existing security systems in place and determine what upgrades might be necessary to suit your family.