How you deal with intruders in your home is really up to you. You must be the judge of the situation. Try to use your common sense but don’t put yourself in danger. It is a good idea to prepare a plan of what you would do in threatening situations and discuss that plan with your family and friends.
Creating a proactive safety plan can significantly enhance your family’s security and peace of mind. Engaging with your neighbours to form a supportive community can be invaluable; an alert neighbourhood helps everyone feel safer and more connected. Remember, even trusted friends can sometimes turn into threats, as highlighted in our article on friends turning thief. Additionally, staying informed about the latest security measures is crucial for protecting your home and loved ones. For expert insights on safeguarding your property, explore resources on protecting those who protect.
Some guidelines:
- Coming home to find intruders in your house can be an unnerving experience. If you enter your home without realising there are intruders inside, leave as quickly as possible. Hurry to a safe place and call the police on 1 1 1. Please wait for the police to arrive before returning.
- If you arrive home and see or suspect intruders inside DO NOT ENTER the house. You should quickly leave the property and call the police.
- If intruders wake you in your home try to get yourself and your family away. Your personal safety is most important. Please leave the house. Go to a safe place and call the police on the emergency telephone number 1 1 1.
- If intruders block your exit or confront you, stay calm. Tell the intruders you are leaving. Otherwise, yell for help, scream, turn on lights, smash a window, make as much noise as possible, and try to alert your neighbours.
- Please do not block escape routes or try to apprehend intruders. Call police. Dial 1 1 1.
Violent crime receives a lot of attention in today’s society, but violent assault, robbery or rape is not that common. These sorts of crimes make up a very small part of all crimes reported to the police.
Please try not to live your life in fear. just be aware of the safeguards that will help you and your family live a happy and secure life. Common sense is your best defence and you are wise if you routinely check that all doors are locked and windows are shut before retiring at night.
It is sensible to call the Police if you suspect someone is prowling outside your home or you do not feel safe in your house. Please do not put yourself in danger and do not open the door. The following ideas are some things you could do:
- Turn on the inside and outside lights.
- Have some sort of loud warning device close by you ready for use.
- Yell or scream.
- Stay by the telephone.
- Play a Pre-recorded tape of a dog barking or loud male voices.
- Sensor lights on the outside of your house surprise prowlers. They are also helpful to have when you arrive home in the dark.
An alert and caring neighbourhood will enhance your feelings of well-being and safety in the community. Get to know your neighbours and form a Neighbourhood or Rural Support Group.
Be alert and responsive to signals from your neighbours, as you hope they would respond to your calls for help.
Police are available 24 hours a day. In an emergency phone 1 1 1. Tell the operator you want the Police, Ambulance, or Fire Service. The phone number 1 1 1 is a priority line and help will come as soon as possible. Stay calm when making the call, and do not hang up. Give your name, address town and telephone number to the operator answering your call. Answer questions slowly and clearly. Emergency calls are free from all telephones, including payphones and cellular phones.
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