
Just How Many Burglaries Are Occurring?

Burglaries and crime are always a hot topic of debate. In the news recently we’ve seen The Salvation Army releasing their annual ‘State of the Nation’ report, the police releasing their latest statistics on crime and the NZ Herald doing a week long editorial on burglaries in New Zealand. While some accounts depict crime in [...]

By |2022-07-26T18:40:28+12:00January 15th, 2016|Case Study, Commercial, Residential, Security Updates|0 Comments

Cancelling your landline? Or planning a renovation?

If you are considering cancelling your landline while planning a renovation project or changing over to ultra fast broadband, it’s a good idea to check whether your home security system will work without it. Traditional alarm systems use an analogue connection to send signals down the old copper phone-lines to the Matrix Security call centre. [...]

By |2021-11-12T01:52:40+13:00October 1st, 2015|Residential|0 Comments

Top tips for keeping your home safe

Worryingly, a recent survey found that 15% of the 1,100 Kiwis interviewed in a recent AA Insurance home security survey were still in the house when their home was broken into. Aside from subscribing to a range of services from Matrix Security including monitored alarms or the Green Reflector Service, there are all sorts of [...]

By |2022-08-28T20:06:33+12:00September 2nd, 2015|Residential|0 Comments

Local hero saves the day

A recent unsuccessful burglary attempt in Epsom just goes to show how smart security and working in partnership with the Police can thwart hapless thieves. The additional security of a 24hr on-call Green Reflector Service is becoming increasingly sought after, as burglaries are nearly three times more likely to happen when you are away from [...]

By |2021-07-14T16:54:08+12:00August 2nd, 2015|Case Study, Residential|0 Comments
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