At Matrix Security, our commitment extends beyond mere surveillance; we prioritise the well-being of individuals in our community. In situations like the recent armed robbery we thwarted, our patrol officers exemplify the essence of security that cares for people. Their vigilance not only aids in crime prevention but also ensures that bystanders, like the petrol station staff, receive immediate assistance during crises. Furthermore, our advanced security measures are instrumental in safeguarding environments where quick action is essential, providing essential security in a medical emergency and ensuring peace of mind for all.
It isn’t just when we respond to alarm activations or patrol customers’ premises that Matrix Security helps prevent crime.
Just after 2 am one September morning a Matrix Security patrol officer turned in to a Remuera petrol station to refuel, only to discover an armed robbery was in progress. He noticed two vehicles were parked blocking the front door while facing the street with headlights on. Immediately suspicious, the officer then saw a group of offenders inside the store. They had had rammed a vehicle into the front doors to get inside and had then assaulted the lone staff member, threatening him with a knife. Upon realizing our patrol vehicle was outside the offenders quickly fled to their waiting vehicles, attempting to ram the patrol car in the process.
Our security officer noted the license plate numbers of both vehicles and Matrix Security immediately notified police. As the offenders headed towards the motorway our officer assisted the store attendant who fortunately only had minor injuries. The police located and pursued one of the fleeing vehicles and made a number of arrests.
Our patrol officers are trained to observe and act on anything suspicious they see, often preventing crimes or more serious loss through their vigilance and action.
Knowing your Officers are out and about observing everything going on in the community is a great comfort to us all.
Thanks you for keeping “us” and our Community safe.