As smart homes become increasingly common, so does the risk of cyber threats. With a myriad of connected devices, from smart locks to thermostats, the potential for security vulnerabilities grows. This article offers essential cybersecurity tips for homeowners to protect their smart homes from digital threats.

Understanding the Risks

Smart homes, with their interconnected devices, present a lucrative target for cybercriminals. These threats can range from unauthorised access to personal data to taking control of home automation systems. Recognising these risks is the first step in safeguarding your smart home.

Essential Cybersecurity Tips

Regularly Update Your Devices

Manufacturers frequently release software updates that fix vulnerabilities. Ensure all your smart devices, including routers, are up to date with the latest firmware.

Use Strong, Unique Passwords

Avoid common passwords and use a unique, complex password for each device. Consider using a password manager to keep track of them.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Wherever possible, enable 2FA on your devices and accounts. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification.

Secure Your Wi-Fi Network

Your home’s Wi-Fi network is the gateway to your smart devices. Secure it by changing the default name and password, enabling WPA3 encryption, and turning off WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup).

Create a Separate Network for Smart Devices

Consider creating a separate Wi-Fi network for your smart devices. This can prevent potential intruders from accessing your personal devices (like laptops and smartphones) if they manage to compromise a smart device.

Disable Unnecessary Features

Smart devices often come with features that are not essential for their operation. Disable features like remote access or voice control if you’re not using them, to minimise potential entry points for hackers.

Monitor Your Devices

Regularly check your smart devices for signs of unusual activity. Many smart home systems offer logs of device activity, which can help you spot unauthorised access.

Educate Everyone in the Household

Ensure that everyone in your home is aware of basic cybersecurity practices. This includes guests who may need access to your Wi-Fi network or smart devices.

Consider a Professional Security Audit

For added peace of mind, consider hiring a professional to conduct a security audit of your smart home setup. They can identify vulnerabilities and provide tailored advice on enhancing your home’s cybersecurity.

Use VPN for Remote Access

If you need to access your smart home remotely, use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN encrypts your internet connection, protecting your data from prying eyes.

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Dean Jo-Kelly Moore, Auckland’s Holy Trinity Cathedral

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