Residential Case Studies

Residential Case Studies2025-02-12T09:59:50+13:00

We don’t only provide residential security services, we also specialise in alarm and response as well as tailored commercial security, you can ensure comprehensive coverage against potential threats, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

Burglary Thwarted

July 26th, 2016|

Security cameras can be useful and, with advances in technology, are more versatile than ever. However, nothing on the market can quite measure up to human instinct and this was evident in mid-July when a [...]

Taggers Escape Falls Short

June 17th, 2016|

Two taggers caught in the act by a Matrix Security Officer found themselves in need of assistance after attempting a badly planned escape.Auckland’s graffiti problem is fairly well spread across the city – with abandoned [...]

Car Thief Caught

March 11th, 2016|

While most security companies are largely reactive, Matrix Security has built its reputation on being proactive and looking after the wider community it serves.On a recent routine patrol, a Matrix Security Officer received a call [...]

It’s Not Always Plain Sailing

February 12th, 2016|

At the Outboard Boating Club (OBC), where boating enthusiasts gather, peace of mind is paramount. Recently, a member found himself anxious about whether he had secured his boat’s main hatch after spending the day working [...]

Local hero saves the day

August 2nd, 2015|

In today’s increasingly complex world, ensuring the safety of your home is paramount, especially with burglars targeting residences when occupants are away. Our Green Reflector Service not only provides 24-hour surveillance but also fosters a [...]


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